What Will You Do With This Moment?


You will never in all time get this moment back. So what will you do with it?

Will you wish it away hoping the Friday will hurry back?

Will you numb your mind and soul with the highlight reel of everyone else's lives on social media?

Or will you wake up from the numbing boredom and live you wild daring and beautiful life that you’ve been give?  

What will you dream of today?

Maybe a dream that has laid dormant for year and you wonder if maybe it's better left that way.  

Maybe it's a dream that you’ve never dared to actually dream about it's so outrageous and implausible but someone still and quiet within you whispers ‘yeah but what if?’

What will you dream of today?

What will you do today?  

Will you pick up the paint brush and begin the work of creating on a blank canvas?  

Will you pick up the pen and begin to scribble lines across a blank page, writing the story that you choose despite spelling errors and misplaced commas?  

Will you sit down to gently touch the ivory keys or pluck those steel strings to create a new rhythms, a new melody that has only ever been heard in your beautiful mind?

What will you do today?

What will you believe today?  

Will you believe that although the journey will not be easy, it will absolutely be worth it?  

Will you believe in the goodness of love and the sacredness of belonging?  

Will you believe in the magic of creating and that it is completely possible to create a life doing what you love?  

What will you believe today?

You will never get today back, you will never for all of eternity get to stand in this moment again.  

So what will you do with this moment?

What will you dream of this moment?

And what will you believe this moment?