3 Ways the Enneagram Is Different From other Personality Typing Systems (MBTI, DISC, StrengthsFinder)

3 Ways the Enneagram Is Different From other Personality Typing Systems (MBTI, DISC, StrengthsFinder)

When you first learn about the Enneagram, it’s common to wonder what the big deal is and what makes it all that different from other personality typing systems.

As its core, the Enneagram actually isn’t a personality typing system.

It’s commonly grouped with with all the others because as humans, we systematize and organize things as like kinds and that is what the Enneagram is most similar to.

But it’s actually in a category of its own. The Enneagram is a self-knowledge and self-discovery tool.

However, to make things simple, we’ll keep it paired with the others and go over the essential ways it’s different and what sets it apart.

1. The Enneagram focuses on motivation NOT behaviors

What motivates our behaviors, they way we respond and react is far more important and what we actually do. Getting to the motivational level is where we can untangle limiting beliefs, beginning to exchange lies for truth & set ourselves on a path of transformation

2. The Enneagram is Dynamic 

The Enneagram is dynamic meaning that we have a core type but we move between the different types in stress or security and even out wing type influences how we show up. Just as we are not stagnant as human beings, the Enneagram allows a fluidity that other personality typing systems don't tap into.

3. The Enneagram is wholistic is nature factoring in experiences, emotions & core beliefs 

The Enneagram is more broadly focused than simply who you are and how you're showing up today. It factors in childhood wounds, core beliefs, situations that cause stress or bring security. This holistic approach is helpful from a personal, relational, and spiritual growth standpoint.